QUO VADIS LOGISTIC SYSTEM IN THE AREA ISLAND; NATIONALISM VERSUS RASIONALISM Center For Public And Community Policy Study, University of Maritime Raja Ali Haji Abstract Logistics systems in border areas generally to the face of various constraints. The number of these constraints is causes the prices, espe-cially the nine basic commodities to be more expensive than the price of the same staple in the different area. Similarly in Tanjungpinang City, the high price of basic foods causes the community to ignored the values of nationalism and more focus on rationalism in choosing basic commodities. Whereas the border area is a window for the condition of a country. The higher the level of nationalism of the people on the border then it shows the high nationalism of a country's population. With this research we will discover how the logistics system in the border area should be and what factors cause the basic food price are rising in the border area. Keywords: logistics, basic foods, border areas Topic: Public Administration and Policy |
ICEMSS 2018 Conference | http://icemss.umsida.ac.id |