THE ROLE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS IN BUILDING BRAND AWARENESS THROUGH @tcash_id INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT Universitas Budi Luhur Abstract The development of technology presents modern and all-digital innovation. The development of technology is present in various sectors, one of which is a payment instrument that is now not using cash payment instruments. One of the innovations of technological developments is the presence of Tcash. TCASH is an electronic money held by Telkomsel that has been registered and supervised by Bank Indonesia, has the same function as cash as a legal payment instrument, where the value is equivalent to the cash value deposited in TCASH account. But unfortunately the existence and usefulness of TCash is not well known by the public, therefore public relations Tcash utilizes @tcash_id Instagram account to build brand awareness. This study researchers use the post positivism paradigm. The research approach uses qualitative research which is a process of research and understanding based on methodology that investigates a social phenomenon and human problems. This study uses qualitative descriptive, where a method is used to find knowledge of research subjects at a certain time. Research uses the concept of public relations from Cutlip and Easts brand awareness concept. Based on the results of the research, TCashs public relations role in building brand awareness through @tcash_id Instagram account is the role of public relations as manager of @tcash_id instagram accounts, Public relations as well as communication facilitator between Tcash and its public, public relations also acts as a problem solver or complaint from community, and public relations as communication technicians who run the role of corporate agents to build Tcash brand awareness. Keywords: Role of Public Relations, Brand Awareness, @tcash_id Instagram account Topic: Communication Studies |
ICEMSS 2018 Conference | |