Woman Sues Right Of Her Body Integrity As The Women Right: The Law Implication And Jurispruden Analysis / Court Decision On The Case Of Women As The Victims Of Not Fulfilment Promise Being Married Universitas Gorontalo Abstract The women as the victims of not fulfilment promise being married began from relationship between adult man and woman and not yet tied in marriage as lover couple. In this relationship, they usually promise each other to marry. Mostly, the man who gave his promise to the woman. This promise said face to face, by communication tools or handphone such as using message application WhatsApp. With this promise, often the woman would volunteraly give her body that intercourse happened. However, the man broke his promise finally. It showed a cause resulting an event where the woman asking for the promise that the man made, whether in preagnant condition or not that the woman often suffered any kinds of violence that finally the woman became the victim. It covered the personal intact involving physical and psycological images of woman in constructing her self concept as a woman. Thus, showing the unfair phenomenon continuing happen in any forms, that may result and result in violence action toward woman in not or pregnant conditions. Evenmore, the effect gave long term and short term result for the woman who suffered it. The suffering may form in: physical, psychic, sexual, social and economic ones. The problem formula of this study covered how the the legal implication and how the juridpredencial analysis of court decision toward the body integrity of the woman as the victim of not fulfilment the promise being married.This normative legal study used method of qualitative juridicial analysis. Keywords: Body Integrity, Legal Implication, Analysis of Jurisprudence Topic: Social Sciences |
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