Promotion on Solo Yoga Festival Event by Yoganep
Musayyarah Fatmayani

Universitas Sebelas Maret


In every event required promotion activities for the smoothness and success of the event. Various kinds of promotional activities that make us sometimes choose the right type of promotion. Therefore we need a promotional strategy, promotion strategy is the right method used to promote a product or service. The selection of the right promotional strategy is also done in Solo Yoga Festival event. This research is guided using qualitative approach with descriptive research in particular. The method used is case study by conducting interview. This research allows writers to discuss about the promotional strategies used by Solo Yoga Festival to increase the number of visitors. Therefore, researchers can see how Yoganep as an organizer can run a campaign to get a high number of visitors. After conducting the analysis, the main conclusion of this research is the promotion strategy that has been used by Yoganep to integrate some promotional activities such as online marketing, advertising sales promotion (print and radio) and publicity. The results of this study suggest that the promotional strategies that have been used have an important role to attract visitors to participate in the event.

Keywords: Event, Promotion strategy

Topic: Social Sciences

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