Gender Equality and Career Opportunities among Female Civil Servants for Better Public Services in a Regency in West Java Indonesia
Nefi Aris Ambar Asmara

STIA LAN Bandung


This paper discusses gender equality and career opportunities among female civil servants in a regency in West Java Indonesia. Those two areas have not been considered comprehensively in terms of the goals of gender equality and career opportunities for better public setvices. The purposes of this paper are to describe (1) the number of available positions in relation to the number of female civil servants, (2) the socio-cultural outlook on female civil servants in relation to gender equality and career opportunities and (3) socio-cultural views on gender quality and a career in politics. To achieve these three objectives, this paper used a qualitative approach with survey and interview techniques. The results showed that (1) only 37% of the official positions were presided by female civil servants. In contrast, male civil servants occupy 63% of the available positions, (2) the sociocultural view of female civil servants affirms that they are still regarded as male companions; (3) in addition, female civil servants do not need to compete with gender opponents, including the fact that women should not enter politics because the political world is considered dirty for women.

Keywords: Gender Equality; Career Opportunities; Female Civil Servants; Indonesia

Topic: Gender Studies

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