Women Counselors in Rehabilitation Former Drug Addict
Agoeng Noegroho

Jenderal Soedirman University


The study aim to analyze the role of women counselors in empowerment of drug addicts former in social and economic rehabilitation. The research used case study method, data was collected through interviews, observation, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and documentation with triangulation analysis. The informant research through purposive sampling, informant research that the leaders of boarding school, counselors and patients of drug addicts former. The research location in Islamic Education Foundation of Nurul Ichsan Al Islami Purbalingga. The results showed rehabilitation of drug addicts, the role of women councelors could be medically with inpatient and outpatient care in the Islamic Education Foundation of Nurul Ichsan Al Islami as a nurse in a hospital. To improve the mental and motivation that are no longer a marginal community which had negative stigma, concern to non-medical rehabilitation as through spiritual approach to Islam and motherhood supported by empowerment program could be assist in social and economic rehabilitation.

Keywords: women councelors, drug addicts, empowerment, marginal community, rehabilitation

Topic: Gender Studies

ICEMSS 2018 Conference | http://icemss.umsida.ac.id