Representation Of Modern Tarling Music Amidst Cultural Relation And New Media Era
Khaerudin Imawan and Nurul Chamidah

Media and Culture Studies Program
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Extension and Development Communication Program
Universitas Gadjah Mada


Abstract: Modern Tarling has become a contestation of the present music artists to explore arts amidst the development of technology and the flow of modernization. The manifestation of their resistance towards the fate of classic tarling artist in 80s which not ready to face the growth and change of social-culture behavior of the fans of Pantura entertainment stage that tends to open towards popular culture. Modern tarling is preferring the establishments of political-economy relation, identity of youngsters as sub-culture, emotional and psychological reactions, relation between art and family as well as perceiving tarling as commercial entertainment industry in which those establishments have constructed modern tarling music art as the representation of popular culture of Pantura community. Immense reproduction of tarling in the form of audio-visual which spread in cyberspace such as YouTube and social networks has made tarling becomes booming among teenagers. The modification of music instruments, performance innovation and collaboration of tarling singer with the other music genres on stage with a complete multimedia background and choreographer contribution/role. Converting the album into file and immense reproduction effort conducted by fans for tarling has emerged audio-visual product which distributed freely in cyberspace. YouTube and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have made the booming of tarling to no longer targets the adult age but also more dominated by young age circle. This research uses qualitative methods with a critical paradigm, views of Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel with their model of style music circuit has restricted this research to be capable of describing the relation between popular music with the other scopes which interrelated as the manifestation of modern culture representation.
Keywords: New Media, tarling music, representation, cultural relation

Keywords: new media, tarling music, representation, cultural relations

Topic: Social Sciences

ICEMSS 2018 Conference |