Tax Socialization through Television Media: Urgency and Obstacles
Neni Susilawati and Firda Nugraha

Department of Fiscal Administration Science, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia


Television is one of the favourite sources of entertainment and information for the people in Indonesia, in addition to the internet. Hence, television can be used as an effective instrument for the government to carry out extensive socialization program. The purpose of this study is to analyse the implementation of tax socialization by the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) via television, includes urgency and obstacles. Qualitative research was conducted with in depth interview and literature study as data collection technique. As the result, since there is a low level of tax knowledge among the community (especially the lower middle class), which affects the low level of public tax consciousness, the implementation of broad tax socialization through television media is important because the amount of human resources in DGT is limited to direct socialization. However, the biggest obstacle for DGT is the limited funds to conduct tax socialization through television. Supposedly, the government (DGT) and the television media sector can work together further to be able to realize tax dissemination widely and evenly at an efficient cost.

Keywords: television media, tax socialization, tax people, tax consciousness, voluntary tax compliance

Topic: Public Administration and Policy

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