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MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY The philosophy study for the political economy media in Indonesia
Jonas Klemens Gregorius Dori Gobang

Nusa Nipa University


The media is a place where the ideological struggle going on. Habermas asserts that the media is a reality in which the dominant ideology in this case capitalism distributed to the audience and form what is called a false consciousness (false consciousness). Mass media in Indonesia should still play a role as a social instrument that enlighten the public. People can be critically assess the information presented news and media so that it will be the last bet or not a medium.

Critical studies using critical discourse analysis revealed that media literacy is not sufficient so that it takes hard work to local media to restore the rights of the people. Media as an institution and as a subject of media workers must remain present themselves as media institutions and media workers were free (independent) with the moral courage to not bought by the owners of capital and power holders.

Media should work with certain principles so that accountability can be evaluated by readers, listeners, subscribers and viewers. Media in Indonesia should still play a role as a social instrument that enlighten the public in order to be an intelligent and critical citizens so they can build a substantive democracy in our system of government. When the media deny this role, will be increasingly critical rakyatpun assess news and information presented media so it would be the last bet or not a medium.
People become frustrated with all that is happening on the political scene played political actors reported by various media, both print and electronic. People need to get timely and accurate information about a variety of issues, such as corruption continues to undermine state institutions, from the center to the regions and even to villages. Law enforcement profanity when our democracy is a constitutional democracy that puts law enforcement for the people to find justice in accordance with the ideals of justice that exist in the public conscience.

Keywords: media; democracy; people; political actors

Topic: Communication Studies

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