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Construction of Female Housemaid Profile in Indonesian Movie
Panuju,Redi; Susilo, Daniel; Harliantara

Universitas Dr Soetomo


This paper tried to analyze Indonesian movie which tells about housemaid. The aim of the current research was analyzing if after reformation era signed by the emergence of awareness on gender, the female representation has been free from gender bias. The method used was Ethnographic content analysis. It used perspective of seeing fim as the art creature as well as representation from social situation of its era. The element inspected here were: physical characteristic, environmental service, reaction and/or expression of the housemaid, and synopsis. The dominant finding was a movie about housemaid tends to emphasize the body shape and face of housemaid as the attraction, thus the housemaid problem in the relation with social problem was not found. The movie was underlined the recreative purposesas the economical commodity menu. As well as the housemaid in Indonesian movies were framed as stimulus to comply the taste and dominant norms in society.

Keywords: gender bias, education, Indonesian movie, recreation, and housemaid.

Topic: Communication Studies

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