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Deconstruction The Meaning of Hijab in Media, Foucaults Genealogy Methods for Hijab Discourse in NooR Magazine and Hijabers Communitys Instagram
Dr. Merry Fridha Tri Palupi, S.Sos, M.Si , Dr.Eni Maryani,M.Si

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Universitas Padjajaran Bandung


Today we saw the trend of using hijab, the trendy veil in indonesian moeslem women. Television, magazines and social media are potreying the ideal image of indonesian moeslim women using hijab. This research is supiciousing that media was formed a discourse of governing females bodies in Islamic framework and then it became a women national identity in indonesia. Theory that used in this research is posmodernism along with gender analysis of feminism in the media. Meanwhile methods which being used is genealogi based on Foucaults thought. These methods could help researcher to analyzing relation power of hijab meaning in the media. And for the enterance, this research choose NooR Magazine and instagram Hijabers Community Tracing genealogi gave us the deconstruction of hijab meaning for this trend. This deconstruction also see women whom consuming media in pseudo-conciusness meanwhile it comes for hijab decision. Relation power that works forming hijab meaning are not limited to mass media or social media but there are also another agents which forming this hijab meaning.

Keywords: Hijab, Media, Women, Deconstruction, Foucault

Topic: Gender Studies

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