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Nawiroh Vera

Communication Science Department
Universitas Budi Luhur-Jakarta


Television as one type of mass media has special characteristics, one of which is audio visual. Many television programs such as soap operas, in Indonesian soap operas are the programs that are most in demand by viewers. Women are featured in soap operas as talkative, consumptive, weak and other negative things. The purpose of this study is to know and interpret audiences about how women are portrayed in soap opera stories. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews with informants in this case television viewers in Jakarta were selected purposively. The results show that the audience has different interpretations and differences depending on their background. Most opinions were positive opinions about the image of women in soap operas, they argued that it was reasonable for women to look attractive and sexy, talkative and consumptive. Indeed the nature of women is that and all that cannot be called negative

Keywords: mass media, women, television, soap opera

Topic: Communication Studies

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