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The Strategy of Radio Convergency in Ponorogo For Facing New Media Era
Nur Aini Shofiya Asyari

Universitas Darussalam Gontor


The development of new media nowadays force mainstream media industry to transform following the comsumption pattern of society information which have been changed to the use of new media. Especially radio mainstream media that the listenership drop in a years. In 2015, the listenership radio only about 14% and frequently reduce to 11% in 2016. Today, society prefer to use their gadget as their information media, internet and social media become the most important part of society. Realizing this phenomena, mainstream media industry especially radio synergize with new media. Creating radio station application on gadget, making website, radio streaming, video streaming and social media account, as a way or strategy which is known by media convergency. This research aims to know how media convergency strategy uased by radios in Ponorogo, the form of new media that is used, how the management and to know the opportunity and challenge. This research use qualitative approach. This reaearch also analyze the previous data that obtained from field observation at radios in Ponorogo, then it is reviewed using Communication Science and Media Convergence review theory. The result of this research showed that there are five radios (LPS/LPK) Ponorogo have already done radio convergency, media convergency strategy has been done using several new media form which integrated to radio broadcast activity, management of media convergency is far from good, thus it is facing several problems. It is expected the result of this research can be contribute to media science and convergency and radio bradcasting effort.

Keywords: Radio, Convergency, New Media

Topic: Communication Studies

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