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Identification of the Role of Schools and New Media against the Development of Intolerance in the World of Contemporary Education

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


This paper describes the problem of intolerance rooted in
education. One source that is suspected of causing this
behavior is the content of Islamic teachings that are biased
with interests in new media. Other factors that play a role are
curriculum, books, and teachers. This element of education
becomes parties who intentionally or not do the indoctrination
process which then leads to understanding and actions of
students intolerance at school. The emergence of new media
as an instrument of indoctrination is inseparable from the use
of the Internet by Laskar Jihad in the late 1990s, which
succeeded in making the internet as a medium to carry out the
process of indoctrination of religious understandings that lead
to identity hardening that manifests in intolerance. With
framing techniques, the choice of language and narrative
construction are arranged to eliminate negative values. On the
other hand, students make new media references as learning

Keywords: schools, new media, intolerance, education

Topic: Adult and Continuing Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Achmad Muhibbin Zuhri)


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