Collaborative Governance in MSMEs development (case study: Collaboration Model of Surabaya Local Government, Private, and MSMEs Association in MSMEs Development at Coastal Area of Surabaya) Mas Roro Lilik Ekowanti, Arie Ambarwati
Faculty of Social and Political Science
One of the strategies to increase economic growth, Indonesia develops Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). In the last 5 years, the number of macro-level enterprises has increased, in other hand the number of micro-level enterprise has declined. Surabaya City which is the second largest city in Indonesia has a good potential in increasing economic growth, especially in the sector of MSMEs. Data show that at the level of micro, small and medium enterprise tend to increase in Surabaya. The research question is how the collaborative model of Surabaya Government, Private and MSMEs Association in the MSMEs development at coastal area of Surabaya?
This study used theory collaboration model from Agranoff-Mc Guire based on two dimensions of activity and strategy, which resulted in six combinations of collaboration model that are Jurisdiction Based Model, Abstinence Model, Top Down Model, Donor Recipient Model, Reactive Model and Contended Model. The research method used qualitative approach with action research type. Data analysis technique referred to Miles Huberman (1992) that were data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The preliminary conclusion in this research is that collaborative model of Surabaya Government, Private, and Association of UMKM is Jurisdiction-Based Model. All parties have a high interest in the development of MSMEs in the Coastal area of Surabaya