Cyber Culture Through Social Media Instagram on Fisip Unswagati Students Nurudin/FaridaNurfalah/Abdul Jalil
Currently physical communication is not only done, but nowadays it can be done by using media. Communication can occur for users of messages and sentences by others to complete the interaction of messages about the user to be appreciated and received responses from others. Any message anywhere to view photos or photos. The purpose of this study is; ; 1. How is Sibers Culture Student of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Unswagati ?, 2. How is the self-reflection of Unswagati Students interpreted as fellow Instagram users?, 3. How does the interaction change with the presence of Instagram media?. This study used descriptive descriptive study and used five informants. Selection of informants by using purposive. The result 1). Instagram social media is generally used by individuals to upload photos or videos; 2. The student that Instagram can reflection on Fisip Unswagati Student in the perception of Student Participation within reasonable limits and interaction with fellow users is perceived as reasonable; 3). Shifting interaction with Instagram media presence, that is, following the times, easy to reach and there are no limits.