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Stakeholders Participation in Governing Indonesian Female Domestic Workers: Legal Problem Perspective
lely indah mindarti; ali maskur; siti rochmah

Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is an important component in ensuring and protecting the sustainability of Indonesian female domestic workers in Malaysia. The absence of the MoU encourages the researchers to conduct further investigation. Therefore, this study aims to describe the process of the agreement and the step that was conducted as well as the actors involved to the agreement process. In addition, this study also aims to analyze the cause affecting the absence.
The study relied heavily on qualitative research method. Consequently, the primary data was generated from semi-structure interview and documentation. Ministry of Manpower and National Agency of Placement and Protection of Indonesian Worker were the main respondents of this study.
The result showed that there are three steps in the agreement process including negotiation, signature, and ratification. Currently, the step was stagnant in the negotiation. The lack of synergy between domestic actors becomes obstacle to the agreement. In addition, the leadership change in Malaysia also prevented the holding of negotiation. This study can provide an overview of the current condition that will minimize misunderstanding.

Keywords: female domestic workers, memorandum of understanding, Indonesia, Malaysia, gender participation

Topic: Public Administration and Policy

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