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Cyberfenimism: Changing Gender Perspective through Media Cyber Tokoh
Irawinne Rizky Wahyu Kusuma

Akademi Komunitas Manajemen Perhotelan Indonesia


This study aims to change the gender perspective that is more dominated by men through the role of the media. The influence of the times has led to many new discoveries in the field of technology. The current existence of cyberspace directly opens wide access to communications and information through digital technology. The interactions made through cyberspace can serve as a new medium for women to rise up and free themselves from all forms of masculine domination. Cyber Tokoh provides an opportunity for women to be able to express themselves by developing their thoughts, knowledge and experiences. Cyberfeminism is a concept that attempts to empower women through cyberspace by changing the various male-dominated discourses on other technologies. Cyberfeminism as a starting point takes a feminist perspective to examine and analyze gender imbalance in the creation and mastery of technology. Women should be able to use cyberspace wisely in an attempt to empower themselves and free themselves from traditional thinking. This research is done by qualitative approach and using content analysis approach by analyzing about the content of communicated message, and taking feminism perspective to be studied. This concept turned out to begin to change the cultural views of patriarchy that has been embedded in the minds of people.

Keywords: Cyberfeminism, gender perspective, cyberspace

Topic: Communication Studies

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