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Government Communication Systems and Complexity in Planning Poverty Reduction Programs in West Sulawesi
Erwin Rasyid

Universitas Gadjah Mada


Poverty is one of the dominant discourses in the development process in West Sulawesi Province. Although the poverty rate in West Sulawesi continues to decline, this achievement is still above the national average. The number of poor people in West Sulawesi is dominated by the rural poor. To anticipate this, the Government then developed a program to overcome the high poverty rate in the region of West Sulawesi Province. The program planning process involves the role of cross-sector. But the reality that happens today, the system of regional government is still faced with the issue of sectoral ego. This then has an impact on the communication process that occurs between all elements of government involved in it. Based on this phenomenon, this research then attempts to examine further how the Governments communication system and complexity in planning poverty reduction programs in West Sulawesi Province. This research uses the communication network analysis method. The findings of the study show that government communication systems are faced with the problem of the complexity of diverse bureaucratic environments. Starting from the issue of sectoral ego to the many interests across sectors. Adaptation of government communication systems and models has not been effective enough in dealing with these various problems.

Keywords: Poverty, Government Communication Systems and Program Planning

Topic: Communication Studies

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