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Female Masculinity Representation On Female Main Character in the Shadow of The War Game Blade of Galadriel
Ika Rizki Yustisia, Nufian S. Febriani, Althofi Rozaan

Brawijaya University


This study aims to see how the representation of female-masculinity through female main characters in the game titled Shadow of the War - Blade of Galadriel. Made by two game producers, Monolith and Warner Bros, this game tells the story of a woman named Eltariel who plays a role to combat crimes on Earth. Eltariels character has a dominant side of masculinity showed in her ability to fight, made decisions, and be a leader of the war. The significancy of this study lies on the fact that so far the role of women in the game mostly being used as a NPC or Non-Player Character only, exploring female body and sexuality as a spectacle object. The type of this study is qualitative descriptive using Alan Mc Kees Textual Analysis method. The result shows that the masculine image of female main character in the game Shadow of the War - Blade of Galadriel is shown through leadership quality, physical strength (physically masculine), and independency. This description offers a deconstruction frame against female inferiority in media texts, although the objectification of women continues to emerge through representation of beauty masculinity attached on Eltariel. The implication of this study related to how media could create particular representation of female-masculinity in the context of gender and game studies.

Keywords: female-masculinity, female, game

Topic: Gender Studies

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