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Women in the Anti-hoax Movements on Social Media

Communication Science, the University of Halu Oleo


The development of information and communication technology has changed the way of making social movements. The technology has facilitated activists to communicate and develop their campaign strategies on internet mainly the social media. As a social movement starting on social media, the anti-hoax movement receives so many responses from netizens. The anti-hoax movement is a movement to fight against the distribution of hoax on social media. Many women are involved in this anti-hoax movement on social media. This writing aims at describing various social backgrounds of women activists and their involvement in fighting hoax on social media. The method used in this research is a virtual study by observing the participations of some women activists who are actively engaged in the anti-hoax movement, conducting a survey to 30 women activists, and making online interviews to 11 activists. The research finding shows that the social backgrounds of women activists vary and they come from various social classes. The anti-hoax women activists made several actions through campaigns, writings, reviewing hoax, and distributing the fact checks. This research provides a description on how women took part in the anti-hoax movement on social media.

Keywords: women activist, antihoax movement, social media, social movement

Topic: Gender Studies

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