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Bibliotherapy Technique in Improving Learning Motivation
Astrid Lingkan Mandas, Dwi Sarwindah, I Gusti Ayu Agung Noviekayati

Faculty of Psychology, University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Learning is basically an activity that pushes the brain to work to its limits and can only happen with motivation. Student motivation is influenced by two factors which is internal factor and external factor. Internal factor is a self awareness of students themselves about how important to learn is and external factors is stimulations that comes from the surrounding environment. Bibliotherapy is a counseling technique that has a major proportion in which the client needs to identify with one character who has similarities with himself especially when encounter a problem and expected the client can learn from the character how to deal with the problem. This study aims to determine the influence of bibliotherapy in improving learning motivation on high school students and to see the learning motivation before and after application of bibliotherapy. This study uses single-case experiment method. Sample on this research is a student who has low learning motivation in SMA GIKI II Surabaya. Based on the results, The implementation of bibliotherapy on the subject showed increased learning motivation on subject. Before the implementation of bibliotherapy, Subject did not want to talk about his ideals as an online game programmer and skipping class three times a week. After the implementation, subject wants to talk about his ideal as an online game programmer. Subject showed capability in making to do list about his future. Subject did not skip class for about 1 month.

Keywords: learning motivation, bibliotherapy

Topic: Adult and Continuing Education

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