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Sensuality Elements of Female Main Character in Video Game
Nufian S. Febriani, Shaskia Maulidina

Universitas Brawijaya


Visualization of female main character characters in video games is generally hypersexual. Video games show female characters with a sensual image of seductive dress is one of the marketing strategies for video game makers because video game companies want to sell as many products as possible. Sensual images represented on female characters are found in the main characters in the 30 video games studied. The method used is research with content analysis method, using a quantitative approach. Through content analysis can be described what kinds of sensuality elements exist in the video game and the percentage duration of their appearance. The conclusion of this study is that sensuality is represented by the way of dressing in the form of tight and open costumes that show sensitive parts such as cleavage and thighs. Each female character is also designed with body proportions in the form of a slender waist, slender abdomen, large, full legs, thighs and chest. Positions or movements that are displayed are poses that are able to show part of a womans body which is generally covered. In economic value, of course the visualization of female video game figures can boost popularity and increase the selling value of video games. But on a normalized basis, this is in conflict with the customs, religion and social views of the general public in Indonesia.

Keywords: sensuality, female, video games.

Topic: Gender Studies

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