Community Reseptions to Soap Opera "Dunia Terbalik" as Representation of Feminism Ainur Rochmaniah
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
This study aims to analyze and know the concept of society to the role of women in domestic life on the soap opera "Dunia Terbalik" in the context of representation of feminism. The research method used qualitative desciptive research, with informant were UMSIDA student. Data obstained by in-depth interview and analysed by interactive process models Miles and Huberman. The unit of analysis in this research is on the Reverse Custom Cinema World on episodes 529-530, where this episode is the last episode of soap operas ranked first and sharing among other TV programs. The resulted showed that women are represented as wives who have multiple roles. Wives should be in the domestic and public sectors. This is because of the inability of a husband to feed their families. While the husband just as someone who just sit on the opera. Most informants disagreed the role of wives in the public sector is very large and effect in the husband has no desire to be responsible to the family.