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College Role: Information Technology Supports Local Product Going International
Ambar Teguh Sulistiyani, Titis Dewi Anggalini, dan Kristi Yuliani

Universitas Gadjahmada


The development of information technology becomes one of the sign of world globalization since information technology has removed limitations between continents, countries and nations. The time when computer is invented has become the starting point of the development of information technology in which the progress is really fast. Computer network system becomes the advance invention which is widely open the utilization of information technology. The use of email, electronic data interchange, tele-medicine, virtual office and electronic commerce spread rapidly to all over the world. The new demand of the utilization of information technology for all producer in marketing their goods and services cannot be avoided. Nowadays, global era has changed the distribution and marketing system of goods and services.
The positive impact for all good and service produces in local level is that information technology has given the opportunity to go international. Good and service products can be transferred easily through online transaction. Online transaction model is really flexible and practical since it is not limited by place, time or the subject. Thus, this online marketing system should be socialized and implemented by good and service producers which are based on home industry, Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah), Village-Owned Enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Desa) and cooperative (koperasi). This article analyzes the application of website to support local product going through world market. The research method is done with online survey on the use of website and electronic commerce towards Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Village-Owned Enterprises and cooperative in Kulon Progo Regency. Through this research, the ability of online marketing system in spreading the marketing of local good and service was found out considering the limited ability of the local producers in mastering information technology, college assistance through community service program, Student Study Service (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) and internship are necessary.

Keywords: Information technology, go international, local product, online marketing, Micro Small and Medium Enterprise, Village-Owned Enterprise, cooperative

Topic: Social Sciences

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