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Social Media for Tax Socialization: &#8232;Obstacles and Opportunities
Neni Susilawati and Elin Danastri

Department of Fiscal Administration Science, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia


Following the development of the digital era, Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) uses social media to socialize taxes and direct communication with the public. However, it turns out that people are still less interested in DGTs social media accounts. The purpose of this study is to analyse the implementation of tax socialization by the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) via social media, includes opportunities and obstacles. Qualitative research was conducted with in depth interview and literature study as data collection technique. As the result, there are several obstacles found in the implementation of tax socialization, namely the absence of standard operating procedures, lack of human resources, and lack of information on the explanation of basic tax regulations. However, the DGT has a great opportunity to increase the success of the tax socialization program to the wider community at an efficient cost by utilizing social media which is currently very popular, of course by paying attention to certain tips.

Keywords: social media, tax socialization, tax people, tax consciousness, ICT, digital era

Topic: Public Administration and Policy

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