Madura Female Migrant Workers (Motive, Domestic Role and Violence on Madura Women Migrant Workers) Iriani Ismail1, Netty Dyah Kurniasari2, Eni Sri Rahayu3,
Department of Management1, Department of Communication,2
Department of Development Economy3 Trunojoyo University of Madura
Abstract. This paper wants to explore more about the motives of women who are workers abroad. In addition, it also explores the role of domestic women workers who intend to become migrant workers. Furthermore, this paper also analyzes the forms of violence experienced by female migrant workers. The method used in this study is interview. Research location in Madura. The informants of this research are women who have become workers abroad. It has become a fact that Madurese women who work as migrant workers are not small. The motive behind women is the female workforce because they want to help their husbands and economic factors. Female laborers on average take on the role of domestic work such as housewives. The form of violence experienced by female workers varies from psychological to economic.