Community Participation in Developing Tlocor Tourism Destination Kukuh Sinduwiatmo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Tlocor tourism is one of the potential new tourist attractions in Sidoarjo which has strategic value to be managed, developed, and marketed. The development of new tourism Tlocor Sidoarjo can evoke the economic potential of local communities. This study aims to determine the participation of villagers Tlocor Sidoarjo in developing tourist destinations. in order to preserve the potential of nature tourism that they have. Through qualitative descriptive approach provides an objective description of the actual state of community participation in the development of tourist destinations Tlocor. Data collection is done by observation, interview and documentation. While the informant selection technique used is pursposif election by taking informant only in Tlocor Sidoarjo society. The results of this study indicate that community participation in the development of tourism destinations Tlocor synergy needs to be the involvement of stakeholders ranging from the government in this case the Government of Sidoarjo and NGOs as a corporation responsible for the formation of natural attractions and participation of surrounding communities who participated in the development and development of tourist destinations Tlocor .