Collaborative Innovation in Digital Ecosystem Ihsanudin & Amy Y. S. Rahayu
Faculty of Administrative Science (University of Indonesia)
Public sector innovation has been a hot topic of discussion. The traditional approach to public sector management has failed to solve the increasingly complex problems and we must not rely solely on the government role. This paper claims that inclusive innovations are needed for the actors to perform collaboration. This is marked with paradigm shift in public administration which encourages collaborative innovation. This new approach is believed to serve as a solution to resolving complex problems. At the same time, digital ecosystem allows the government, private sector, society and non-profit organizations to collaborate. This paper outlines the research findings on digital collaborative innovation on poverty reduction in Bandung city. The findings indicate that digital ecosystem can serve as a complementary arena that is more flexible for a collaboration process, but can not yet serve as a substitutional arena for direct collaboration. It is expected that this paper will shed light on further research direction.
Keywords: Collaborative Innovation, Public Administration, Digital Ecosystem, Poverty.